Saturday 27 September 2008

Shallow Grave.

Vicki has been researching her family and such, she decided to dig up the facts about where they are buried and by George she did it. About two weeks in the planning and today was the day we were going, bromley hill cemitary.
We met up with her childhood friend Sam [ and Jak, she's no ug-o] and her boyfriend Adam, who inturn was ok, and not half the arsehole i thought he would be.
So after 45 minutes, two trams and a bus, we were at the meeting point, Bromley South Station. 10 minutes later, they appeared out of the fog, like the millenium falcon in the sky city saving a one handed luke skywalker as he clutches to what appeared to be an antenna.
Onwards we journeyed to the valley of the dead, upon arrival I establised how dick about arseholes moving Katies buggy through the graves would be, made a mental note, and walked on. after half an hour of searching we founf the grave, there was no tombstone or cross bearing names, all we had to go on was a map, which proved about as useful as a solar powered night light, and a list of names of the people buried next to her brothers. She had brought them flowers, but there was nowhere to put them, it would have just looked like littering leaving them there, so Adam and I set ourselves the arduous task of, well essentaily grave robbing. We manageed to salvage some things, so now its just passible as a grave.
So all in all, a very eventful and productive day.
I have also found time to apply for a job, Entertainment Exchange, and i can only hope i get it.
Thanks for reading,
Write to ya'll soon.

Friday 26 September 2008


Today i must go into the dreaded outside world, I've had my breakfast consisting of a tea and a few cigarettes, not the healthiest of diets but i like it.
Yes, I have to go out to the shops before we take katie to the park, by we I mean myself and Vicki.
After this I'm going to continue my job search, it's so annoying looking for a job, i had a couple of interviews last week, didn't get them, baring in mind I've been out of work for almost two months now, so it may be affecting my psyche.
My friends don't help sometimes, speaking of which, friends are supposed to be people you can rely on, and count on to maybe lift your spirits, i can only say that for a few of them.
Speak more soon.

Thursday 25 September 2008

The Birth Of A Blog.

This is my first ever blog, the likely hood of any one reading this is beyond me. Well today wasn't bad, wasn't good but it wasn't bad either, hardly been productive in recent weeks, i plan to change all this round, I'm fairly confident that I can do it. I'm sure I'll keep those who ever grace this blog in the 'know' and not out of the 'loop'. Sorry, it's just not everyday i think about doing that, anyway it's almost half three this Thursday night [Friday morning] and i should really attempt to sleep because even though I'm tired now, once my head hits that pillow I'll be wide awake. Must work on that to.

Good night all.