Wednesday 29 October 2008

Fun and games

I am a gamer, I'd like to think I'm the best, but im not, I'm good, very good but thats about it.
I will soon be playing dungeons and dragons for the first time, I know it's an old school game, but lets just say that i haven't had the right friends so far to play it. I've looked it up and I think it'll be something i enjoy, got a few people playing it, one against his will, but hey, he owes me so it's ok.
Four of us with one DM, meaning only three characters, my good friend Adam and I were researching it the other day and i reckon our gf's were well pissed at us, i mean we play a lot of video games as it is, well i do, I'm unsure if he plays as much as i do, but it's time we could spend with them, if they love us, they'd want to at least try to play and enjoy it but somehow i don't think that'll be the case.
I haven't told you the news yet, I have passed an interview and have been offered a job, I'll be working nights, with stock, cleaning and the like. Have an induction this Friday and Saturday but after that the job is pretty much mine, I'm not going to mess this up either, I'm gonna give it the best I possibly can.
I do love a good gaming session, haven't had one in so long, used to have them maybe every weekend growing up, its what i like to do, going out to the pub i don't mind, but in these dark credit crunching times why should anyone? I mean you can get some beers in, invite some friends over and hey presto; a good time. Nice and cheap, you don't need a lot of money or need to spend a lot of money to have a good time.
I don't really get the chance to bro out anymore, I'd like to but some of my friends don't like to play video games with a beer and occasional ignorance, girls can come to, hell they could even show us up given the right, ummm, er, distractions. I mean it's more my friends that don't want to hang in the same way, I think this new job could potentially solve that problem, I hope so.

Sir Harry Of Hobiton.

Fuckin' love you.........

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Purpose; Part 2

Do we have a purpose in life?
We have many purposes in life, all of us, mainly individual purposes, but purposes never the less, as a species are purpose appears to be to breed and survive. I think we're doing very well, its sort of a good thing that people die sometimes, when people die, its sad, but its because of them dying that we can all carry on, their deaths allow others to live on through the extra resources that that person can no longer accumulate, through the extra space in this world.
Individual purposes in life are built in, we all have them, but it depends how you see them, when I was younger, all I ever wanted to be was a soldier, I didn't know why I did but I did. Then through out my teenage years it was one of the things I used to daydream about. Now I'm legally an adult i still thing about it, probably way more then I should, I would be a soldier now if I wasn't committed to my daughter and girlfriend, not to mention some friends who seem to dislike the idea, personally, i think I'd be great soldier, I mean I have the right mind frame and could kill at will.
You might be thinking that that's an aspiration and not a purpose, but if I had this built in all my life and have thought about it for more then a decade then it is one of my purposes and so is the protection of my daughter, this could also be linked our species purpose to survive.

Is there a divine path laid out for us?
We can never truly know if the decision we make on anything was premeditated by a higher power, not necessarily a god as such, just a force or being far more advanced then us, thats one of my beliefs so please don't construe that as a blasphemy.
I'd like to belief that any decision we make is ours and ours alone. We have all at one time sought after something with conflicting thoughts, like the decision on which can of drink to buy, I personally dislike the idea that the drink I choose was decided by someone other then myself and always would have been, the idea of fate makes everything you hold dear and secret, well, its no longer private, your innermost thoughts, fears and secrets have been violated by fate and become almost dreamlike as you feel there no longer yours.
I think its impossible the live with the idea of fate, by that i mean to live believing in fate, it would destroy me, essentially it would destroy my purpose, on reflection; as i allow myself to collect all my thoughts on both 'fate' and 'purposes',I can't help but to put forward the idea that maybe me wanting to be a soldier was not my own, I was young then, I can't really recall if I was swayed in anyway towards this infatuation of mine, all i can say is that i hope not.

These are my thoughts, fears and secrets.........

..........Or are they?

Sunday 26 October 2008

Purpose; Part 1

Do we have a purpose in life, is there a divine path laid out for us?
In truth I can only speculate, with my own beliefs [if any] and opinions.
I'd love to believe what my head tries to tell me sometimes honestly i would, but to tell the truth, its not really up to me per say, there are two, two consciences in my head, forever in conflict until one subsides. With one of inspiration, and one of destruction, or you could also see it as a battle of morals.
We all have a dark side, all of us, but its a matter of how much of a dark side we actually have, I think mines pretty bad as it leads me to daydream about it, to envision an outcome before i endeavor down that path.
To explain that i have this way of thinking is important because you'll need to know it to truly understand my beliefs or opinions.